Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vocab. Words for Oct. 25 - Nov. 3

Click in the "comments" section to see the Greek gods and goddesses we're studying.

1 comment:

  1. Vocabulary List
    Greek Mythology

    1. Zeus – king of the gods, married to Hera, ruler of the sky and weather, a thunderbolt was his weapon

    2. Hera – queen of the gods, ruler of marriage, she freed the Titans, stepmother of Hercules

    3. Hades – king of the Underworld, brother of Zeus

    4. Poseidon – ruler of the sea, god of earthquakes, brother of Zeus

    5. Demeter – goddess of agriculture, sister of Zeus

    6. Athena – goddess of wisdom and arts of the home, daughter of Zeus, protector and namesake for the city of Athens

    7. Ares – god of war, son of Zeus

    8. Hepahaestus – god of blacksmiths and fire, son of Zeus and Hera

    9. Aphrodite – goddess of love and beauty, wife of Hepahaestus

    10. Hermes – messenger god, god of science and invention, son of Zeus

    11. Apollo – god of poetry and music, associated with the sun, son of Zeus

    12. Artemis – Apollo’s twin sister, goddess of hunting and wild things, she is associated with the moon

    We will not have the Vocab. Test on these words until next week.
    MONDAY: AR deadline tomorrow; READ!!!!
    TUESDAY: Crossword Puzzle, 30 min. AR
    WEDNESDAY: “Athena’s Gift of the Olive Tree” handout, 30 min. AR
    THURSDAY: 30 min AR
    FRIDAY: 1 hour AR; get AR log signed


My children, Cameron & Hillary

My children, Cameron & Hillary

Cameron and his dad

Cameron and his dad
He just made the Principal's List at WOES! He's in Mrs. Brinson's 3rd grade class.

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