Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Greek Mythology

This is the place to share books you'd like to recommend, websites to visit, and videos to watch.


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3F7T0VMtfk heres a link to Odyssey and the cyclops.You may remember him from that worksheet we did,this is one of his aventures.

  2. Thanks, Robert. I just watched it! :) As you know, Odysseus is one of the greatest heroes in Greek mythology. Next week we're going to study Perseus, another hero. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I really like the Percy Jackson series to read about mythology, but sometimes the stories are altered to make them more adventerous, so it may not be the best series if you are looking for FACTS about mythology.

    I was looking around on the computer,though, and I found that a game called Wrath of the Gods is available for teachers...I've never played it before so I don't know if it is appropriate or not, but it could be cool!!!

  4. Cadyn,
    I agree! I love the Percy Jackson series too! :)

  5. Hi Mrs.Blackwell my mom and I were wondering if the test tomorrow on Arachne was on the actual STORY or if it was asking stuff about what myths have in them because that is the inturpretation my mom got when we were looking over the sheet.
    Thanks~Jordan Worrell Core 2

  6. Jordan,
    Tommorrow's quiz wil be 10 questions on "Arachne" only (its plot and characters). It has all the elements of a great myth! Next week you'll be writing your own myth. Thanks for the question.

  7. Does anyone have a copy of "The Lightning Thief" on DVD? If so, please bring it to school. To tie in to Greek mythology, I'd like to show some clips from this movie on Wednesday.

  8. Mythology Project

    As we have studied in class, a myth is a fictional story which often has Greek gods and goddesses as main characters. A myth also usually explains an element of nature. (For example, when we read “Arachne,” Athena was a main character, and the myth explained the origin of spiders.)
    For this project you will create an original myth.

    The criteria for your project is:
    1. At least two gods or goddesses as main characters

    2. An explanation of an element of nature

    3. A colored illustration relating to your myth

    4. A title

    5. Proper spelling and grammar

    6. Neatness

    7. Your myth and illustration will need to be glued to large construction paper (provided by Mrs. Blackwell)

    You will present your myth to the class on Tuesday, Nov. 16.

    Due to this assignment, we will not have vocabulary words for the week of Nov. 8-12.


My children, Cameron & Hillary

My children, Cameron & Hillary

Cameron and his dad

Cameron and his dad
He just made the Principal's List at WOES! He's in Mrs. Brinson's 3rd grade class.

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Voicethread in Core 2

Voicethread in Core 2