Wednesday, October 27, 2010

AR at home: Info. for Parents and Students

According to Ms. Combs, AR can now be accessed at home. While students can not take AR tests, they can view goals, points earned, tests taken, etc. To log in from home, go to the BCMS website's Media and Technology Page. From here you will click on the link "AR for Parents." Use your child's username and password (it's the same one for egrades.)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Greek Mythology

This is the place to share books you'd like to recommend, websites to visit, and videos to watch.

Vocab. Words for Oct. 25 - Nov. 3

Click in the "comments" section to see the Greek gods and goddesses we're studying.


The Young Author's Contest is a great way to earn extra credit! I have entry forms for this in my classroom. The theme this year is "It's a Fact." You must write a nonfiction piece in poetry or prose about a true experience, a news article, or a biography. I will award 15 points extra credit on a test for students who follow all the directions. Entries are due to me by Nov. 5.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Okay, Marlins. We've completed our first project using Voicethread. What did you think of this program? I had so much fun sharing this with you!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Book Review

Book reviews are due Thurs. Oct. 7 for our class novel, A Long Way from Chicago. Click on the "comments" section to see specific instructions. All students were given a printed copy of this Oct. 4.

Vocab. words for week of Oct. 4

My children, Cameron & Hillary

My children, Cameron & Hillary

Cameron and his dad

Cameron and his dad
He just made the Principal's List at WOES! He's in Mrs. Brinson's 3rd grade class.

Voicethread in Core 1

Voicethread in Core 1

Voicethread in Core 2

Voicethread in Core 2