Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Click "comments" to see how you can earn extra credit in my class this 9 weeks.

Book Review

This assignment will be due Oct. 9th. Please click in the "comments" section to see the details. You will also be given a paper copy of this information in class.

Vocab. Words for Sept. 19 - 23

1. cadaver
2. miniature
3. cashmere
4. cadaver
5. foreclose
6. forage
7. seersucker
8. centennial
9. maneuver
10. benediction

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bulldog Grades!

Parents, Bulldog Grades are up an running! This online system allows parents and students to check grades from any computer. To get started, simply:
1. Go to and click on Bulldog Grades
2. Select "Parents Click Here" and then "Click Here to Register"
3. Type in your name, email, password
4. Add your student (use the school login which is 18 first initial and last name and their 4 digit password, which should be written in at the front of your child's agenda)
EX: 18hblackwell
*** Once your email is registered, you will also be able to receive emailed progress reports!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Scholastic Book Orders

If you would like to place an online order, just go to and look through Sept. Arrow and Sept. Tab. Our class code is HC6FV. Online orders are due Sept. 28. Paper orders are due Sept. 23. Thanks!

Vocab. Words for the week of Sept. 12-16


My children, Cameron & Hillary

My children, Cameron & Hillary

Cameron and his dad

Cameron and his dad
He just made the Principal's List at WOES! He's in Mrs. Brinson's 3rd grade class.

Voicethread in Core 1

Voicethread in Core 1

Voicethread in Core 2

Voicethread in Core 2