Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Advice for next year's Marlins

What advice would you like to pass on to the 6th graders next year?


  1. Gosh , Ms.Blackwell the year has pass by so fast !!! ........ , I would say to always do your homework , and to try your best on everthing and never give-up , and to make wise choices : ) .

  2. Mrs.Blackwell can i wear my pajmas tommorow?

    -Rachel W.

  3. Hi Mrs. Blackwel,Its me Sandra G
    Here some advice.....
    Do your HW
    Dont be shy on the 1st Day of school
    Dont tell a person who u like b/c well,u r DEAD:(

  4. Hi mrs.blackwell im in your 2nd core this 2010 2011 year my name is Jordan i love your class its my favorite you are so nice i look foward to haveing fun and learning with you!:)


My children, Cameron & Hillary

My children, Cameron & Hillary

Cameron and his dad

Cameron and his dad
He just made the Principal's List at WOES! He's in Mrs. Brinson's 3rd grade class.

Voicethread in Core 1

Voicethread in Core 1

Voicethread in Core 2

Voicethread in Core 2