Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Vocab. for the week of Feb. 15-19

Only Core 4 has vocab. words this week. Click "comments" to see the lists.


  1. Number the Stars:

    1. abrupt

    2. tentative

    3. relocate

    4. sneer

    5. specter

    6. exasperation

    7. hazy

    8. scamper

    9. distorted

    10. Star of David (n.) a six-pointed
    Star; a symbol of Jewish religion

  2. Milkweed:

    1. relocate

    2. morsel

    3. bedlam


    5. ghetto

    6. cellar

    7. curfew

    8. reliable

    9. undertaker

    10. Star of David (n.) a six-pointed
    Star; a symbol of Jewish religion


My children, Cameron & Hillary

My children, Cameron & Hillary

Cameron and his dad

Cameron and his dad
He just made the Principal's List at WOES! He's in Mrs. Brinson's 3rd grade class.

Voicethread in Core 1

Voicethread in Core 1

Voicethread in Core 2

Voicethread in Core 2