Saturday, June 13, 2009

First Try

Okay, Mr. Koczot and some of the 2008-2009 Marlins (Ross, Amber , and Emma) have inspired me to try a blog.


  1. Wow - What can I say... I am impressed! We can have some fun now with next year's kids for sure!

    I'll fill you in on some hints when I see you this summer, but this is a great start! Let's get out on the BIG TUBE soon.

  2. Great start mrs blackwell. theres 1 thing go change the pic on the side go duke!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Thanks for the compliment, Emma/Amber! I am so glad you checked out my new blog!

  4. Mrs. Blackwell ross is right it should be duke cause DUKE IS #1, DUKE IS #1, DUKE IS #1 and YOU can't deny it.

  5. Yeah, Mrs. Blackwell.....Cool blog!!! I love the polka dots!! Good start!! Someone is going to have to help me start a blog....hint, hint....any takers??

  6. Ok. Mrs. Blackwell - Remind me to show how to get rid of the top border on your BLOG... you don't want that (trust me), also, I believe there is too much on your BLOG about reading... time to incorporate something about writing... perhaps you could make a POST titled, "Write about your favorite NEWS story this week from the BCMS news??? kidding of course.
    Good Luck with this - Mr. K

  7. Hi Mrs. Blackwell I can't wait to read books in class with you.

  8. Ashley -- I'm glad that you're excited about my class.

    Mr. Koczot -- Reading can be so much fun! Maybe you should give it a try some time. I'd love to hear a book review on your morning news show.


My children, Cameron & Hillary

My children, Cameron & Hillary

Cameron and his dad

Cameron and his dad
He just made the Principal's List at WOES! He's in Mrs. Brinson's 3rd grade class.

Voicethread in Core 1

Voicethread in Core 1

Voicethread in Core 2

Voicethread in Core 2